Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Online Trading Is Not Real Time

Category: Finance, Currency Trading.

Online trading is huge today with more and more investors opting to go online rather than stay with the tradition way of trading involving loads of paperwork, fighting it out on the stock market or haggling with the broker for lower rates of commission.

But if you have never traded before and it is only after online trading was introduced that you became interested on trading in stocks, then you must realize though the method of trading might have changed the fundamentals of trading haven' t. Online trading allows you to trade anytime you want, from anywhere you want. So the first thing you need to know before you even start trading are the basics of a stocks and shares. Get a clear idea as to how the stock market functions. There are plenty of books on the subject which will allow you to form preliminary ideas and give you tips on investing. Then get a hang of how the markets have been performing over the last year or so.

This background on stock market will stand you in good stead when you will be going through the numbers and help you analyze and understand them better. Which industries have been on the rise, which are on the decline, and which are all set to show tremendous growth. Online trading is not real time. Yes your orders can be transacted in matters of minutes or even a few seconds. This you have to understand. But remember there are millions who today trade online. So even in seconds there can be huge troughs and crests on the price of a particular stock.

So if you are trading on a particular stock there will be hundreds or even thousands who will be placing orders of the same stock at the same moment. If you are unaware of such chances your plans can go haywire. Then you wouldn' t be losing beyond what you expect. The best option in such cases is to place price limit orders. Online trading is the future of stock trading if it is already not the present. But that also has a negative effect.

The positive about it is that everyone can now participate on trading. Because of the ease many will opt for trading without being properly prepared. The market will also lose its stability. And with so many investors without knowledge as to how the markets work, the bigger players will have a field day. So if you want to succeed do your homework.

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